A Welcome To Teachers And Practitioners,

We typically work with you during consultation, and understand the imperative nature of your role in young peoples’ lives. There are evidently many challenges during a regular day in school, particularly in managing such aspects of learning, student behavior, and young people being at various levels developmentally, social emotionally and academically. We aim to take the complexity of such experiences, and simplify them through the lens of neuroscience.

Insights taken from neuroscience not only provide teachers with a scientific basis for understanding some of the best practices in teaching, but also offer a new lens through which to look at the problems teachers come face to face with every day. By gaining insights into how the brain works—and how students actually learn—teachers will be able to create their own solutions to the classroom challenges they face and improve their practice.

‘..If You Understand The Principles, You Can Change Practice..’

We Currently Offer Training Sessions And Workshops
Across Four Counties And London, Covering Such Aspects As:

How experience shapes the brain
Functions, Processes and
Principles in Neuroscience
Early Years and Sensitive Periods
Adolescent Brain Development
Development of Language and Number
Behaviour and Social
Emotional Development
The Development of Executive Functions
Preparing Young People for Adulthood and Lifelong Development

All Sessions Cover The Key Principles In Neuroscience.

Certificates are provided to boost your expertise and account towards professional CPD.
To make an enquiry, please feel out a Registration form.