
Neurologically Compatible Assessments

We are often asked about neurologically compatible assessments to look at a range of functions and processes associated with learning. Here are ones that can be administered to gain an understanding of a range of cognitive processes and abilities

Ammons Quick Test

This test has been used for many years to help assess premorbid intelligence. It is a passive response picture-vocabulary test.

Aphasia Tests (Various)

Several aphasia and language tests examine level of competency in receptive and expressive language skills. (e.g., Reitan-Indiana Aphasia Screening Test)

BECK Youth Inventory For Children And Adolescents

These scales provide quick assessment of subjective experience of symptoms related to depression or anxiety.

Bender Visual Motor Gestalt Test

This test evaluates visual-perceptual and visual-motor functioning, yielding possible signs of brain dysfunction, emotional problems, and developmental maturity.

Cognitive Symptom Checklists

Self-evaluation of areas of cognitive impairment for adolescents and adults

Continuous Performance Test

Tests that require intense attention to a visual-motor task are used in assessing sustained attention and freedom from distractibility. (e.g., Vigil; Connors Continuous Performance Test)

Controlled Oral Word Association Test

Different forms of this procedure exist. Most frequently used for assessing verbal fluency and the ease with which a person can think of words that begin with a specific letter

Cognistat (The Neurobehavioral Cognitive Status Examination)

This screening test examines language, memory, arithmetic, attention, judgment, and reasoning. It is typically used in screening individuals who cannot tolerate more complicated or lengthier neuropsychological tests

D2 Test Of Attention

his procedure measures selective attention and mental concentration

Delis-Kaplan Executive Function System

Assesses key areas of executive function (problem-solving, thinking flexibility, fluency, planning, deductive reasoning) in both spatial and verbal modalities, normed for ages 8-89

Grooved Pegboard

This procedure measures performance speed in a fine motor task. By examining both sides of the body, inferences may be drawn regarding possible lateral brain damage

Halstead Category Test

This test measures concept learning. It examines flexibility of thinking and openness to learning. It is considered a good measure of overall brain function. Various forms of this test exist.

Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychological Battery

A set of tests that examines language, attention, motor speed, abstract thinking, memory, and spatial reasoning is often used to produce an overall assessment of brain function. Some neuropsychologists use some or all of the original set of tests in this battery.

Hooper Visual Organization Test

This procedure examines ability to visually integrate information into whole perceptions. It is a sensitive measure of moderate to severe brain injury.

Kaufman Functional Academic Skills Test

A brief, individually administered test designed to determine performance in reading and mathematics as applied to daily life situations

Kaufman Short Neuropsychological Assessment

Measures broad cognitive functions in adolescents and adults with mental retardation or dementia

Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery

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MMPI-2 (Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory)

This well-known and well-respected personality assessment is often used to accompany neuropsychological tests to assess personality and emotional status that might lend understanding to reactions to neurofunctional impairment

Memory Assessment Scales

This is a comprehensive battery of tests assessing short-term, verbal, and visual memory.

Quick Neurological Screening Test

This is a rapid assessment to identify possible neurological signs, primarily in motor, sensory, and perceptual areas.

Paced Auditory Serial Attention Test

Tests for attention deficits including concentration, speed of processing, mental calculation, and mental tracking. Sensitive for diagnosing cognitive impairment in individuals 16 and up

Paulhus Deception Scales

This instrument measures the tendency to give socially desirable responses, useful for identifying individuals who distort their responses

Personality Adjective Checklist

This self-report measure evaluate several personality patterns, primarily focusing on personality disorders

Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test

This procedure evaluates the ability to learn word lists. It is the forerunner of other tests of verbal learning using lists of words.

Rey Complex Figure Test

This drawing and visual memory test examines ability to construct a complex figure and remember it for later recall. It measures memory as well as visual-motor organization

Rey 15-Item Memory Test

This test is used to evaluate potential for malingering in memory.

Ey-Osterrieth Complex Figure Test

Analyzes aspects of visuospatial ability and memory in all ages.

Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test

Evaluates impairments in everyday memory related to real life situations

Rogers Criminal Responsibility Scale

This instrument is designed to assess the impairment of an individual at the time a crime was committed

Rorschach Projective Technique

This familiar inkblot test is used to evaluate complex psychological dynamics. Persons with brain injury have been shown to produce certain kinds of responses that can complement other tests and help to understand personality changes associated with brain injury.

Sensory Screening Test

Various procedures include the assessment of tactile sensitivity to various objects, the ability to recognize objects by touch, and the ability to detect numbers written on the hands by touch alone. By examining both sides of the body, inferences may be drawn regarding possible lateral brain damage.

Stroop Test

This brief procedure examines attention, mental speed, and mental control.

Symbol Digit Modalities Test

Screening test for children and adults to detect cognitive impairment

Tactual Performance Test

Assesses speed of motor performance, tactile perception, spatial problem-solving, and spatial memory in all ages

Test Of Memory Malingering

This test is used to evaluate potential for malingering in memory.

Test Of Memory And Learning (TOMAL)

This test for children and adolescents measures numerous aspects of memory, assessing learning, attention, and recall

Test Of Memory Malingering

For ages 16-84, this visual recognition test helps discriminate malingered from true memory impairments

Thematic Apperception Test

This projective test is most commonly used to examine personality characteristics that may aid in understanding psychological or emotional adjustment to brain injury

Tower Of London

A test for all ages, assessing higher-level problem-solving, valuable for examining executive functions and strategy planning.

Verbal (Word) Fluency Tests (Various)

There are a variety of verbal fluency tests in use. Each is designed to measure the speed and flexibility of verbal thought processes. (e.g., Controlled Oral Word Association Test; Thurstone Verbal Fluency)

Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale

This set of 13 separate “subtests” produces measures of memory, knowledge, problem solving, calculation, abstract thinking, spatial orientation, planning, and speed of mental processing. In addition to summary measures of intelligence, performance on each subtest yields implications for different neurofunctional domains. The set of tests takes about an hour or more to administer. The WAIS-III is often the foundation for a comprehensive neuropsychological assessment.

Wisconsin Card Sorting Test

Similar in concept to the Category Test, this procedure also measures the ability to learn concepts. It is considered a good measure of frontal lobe functioning.

Wechsler Intelligence Scale For Children – Fifth Edition (WISC V)

Comparable to the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, this procedure contains subtests that measure similar domains in children

Wechsler Memory Scale III

This set of 18 separate “subtests” yields information about various kinds of memory and learning processes. Summary memory indices are provided in addition to the individual scores of the subtests. The whole set of tests takes about an hour to administer. The WMS-III provides a comprehensive assessment of memory. It is co-normed with the WAIS-III and is usually used in conjunction with it.

Wide Range Achievement Test

Provides level of performance in reading, spelling, and written arithmetic. The reading and spelling tests are often used in estimating premorbid intellectual functioning

Other Tests:

  • BECK Youth Inventories for Children and Adolescents
  • Bender Visual Motor Gestalt (BVMG) Test
  • Boston Diagnostic Aphasia Examination
  • Boston Naming Test
  • CANTAB (Cambridge Neuropsychological Test Automated Battery)
  • CDR Computerized Assessment System
  • Cognitive Assessment Screening Instrument (CASI)
  • Cognitive Function Scanner (CFS)
  • Cognitive Symptom Checklists
  • Comprehensive Aphasia Test (CAT)
  • CogScreen: Aeromedical Edition
  • Continuous Performance Task (CPT)
  • Dean-Woodcock Neuropsychology Assessment System (DWNAS)
  • Dementia Rating Scale
  • Digit Vigilance Test
  • Figural Fluency Test
  • Finger Tapping (Oscillation) Test
  • General Practitioner Assessment Of Cognition (GPCOG)
  • Hayling and Brixton tests
  • Iowa gambling task
  • Kaplan Baycrest Neurocognitive Assessment
  • Lexical decision task
  • Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory
  • MCI Screen
  • MicroCog
  • Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory (MCMI)
  • Mini mental state examination (MMSE)
  • Mooney Problem Checklist
  • Multilingual Aphasia Examination
  • North American Reading Test
  • Paced Auditory Serial Addition Test (PASAT)
  • Pediatric Attention Disorders Diagnostic Screener (PADDS)
  • Repeatable Battery for the Assessment of Neuropsychological Status
  • Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure
  • Rorschach test
  • Ruff Figural Fluency Test
  • SCL-90 (Symptom Checklist 90)
  • Shipley Institute of Living Scale
  • Stroop Task
  • Test of Memory and Learning (TOMAL)
  • Test of Variables of Attention (T.O.V.A.)
  • Trail-Making Test (TMT) or Trails A & B
  • Validity Indicator Profile
  • Verbal fluency tests
  • Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC-V IQ test)
  • Wechsler Memory Scale (WMS)
  • Word Memory Test