Hi, And Welcome To Our
Site Here At EP Practice.
We are an Educational Psychology Practice, based in Milton Keynes. We specialise in applying Neuroscience to enhance educational practice in informative and accessible ways. We are driven by the principle that neuroscience is fast becoming an area that is informing educational practice, and carry the aim of delivering critical and emergent developments in neuroscience research with you as professional and practitioner. Text
We Offer:
Psychological Assessment
We Offer:
Professionals And Practitioners
Local Authorities
‘…If Educational Change Can Happen At The Level Of Physiology, That Change Is Real..’
We believe that understanding neuroscience can directly enhance education and educational practice, transform your skills as a practitioner, and lead to the adoption of effective strategies which can be applied to learners’ lifelong and intrinsic commitment to learning in all areas.
EP Practice is at the centre of enhancing your knowledge about brain development through application and practice, as well as direct you to neuroscience-compatible approaches to teaching and educational intervention.
We hope you will take time to navigate this website to become up to date with our news, events and blogs